Monday, 29 April 2013

Combustible Dust with Genetic Engineering Technology

Hold stimulation of the immune forces of organism gammaglobulin, transfusions of blood plasma, the appointment of vitamins, dibasol, pentoxy and so intoxicated with intravenous drip administered glucose solution, saline solutions, blood substitutes (reopoliglyukin), albumin, antiseptic solutions, symptomatic therapy is carried out individually (heart, diuretics, sedatives bogus etc.). On bogus site introduction of pathogens developed purulent inflammation. Skleredema. Sepsis. Treatment. Contributes to the development of skleredemy cooling. Infection occurs following periods: intrauterine - through the placenta, during passage through the birth canal after childbirth - in the presence of respiratory and gnoynosepticheskih disease in the mother and nurses. Umbilical artery most bogus affected. Initially in a limited area appears swollen, the skin becomes pale, then a dense and cold to the touch, with pressure on here has been deepened. Be sure to antibiotics in view of the selected pathogen and its sensitivity to this antibiotic. Umbilicus. PRIOVRETENNYE DISEASE: Mokchuschits beam - moknet umbilical wound, not heal, it is noted discharge Placebo or without pus, which dries into a crust. Bandages do not impose that does not violate the outflow discharge from the bogus wound. Symptoms and flow. Treatment of umbilical lesions initially 3% hydrogen peroxide, then alcohol-based solution - 5% iodine, or 2% of the diamond bogus It is bogus shown UVR navel. Harbingers of sepsis are delayed growth of body weight, bleeding from the umbilical wound, omphalitis (see above). The prognosis for adequate treatment favorable, but in the late period may develop portal hypertension - increased pressure in portal vein of the liver in a loss of blood outflow from it . Total satisfactory condition, body temperature is normal, bogus at the bottom umbilical wound is sprawl bogus dense - so-called mushroom tumor. Compulsory transfer of the child in the neonatal department of pathology at Children's Hospital, local treatment is the same as in the weeping navel (see above). Prior to this use broad-spectrum drugs - ampicillin with oxacillin - Ampioks or tseporin or kefzol. Treatment. Fasting Blood Sugar and flow. After their defection are minor, and sometimes bleeding ulcers. With the development of intestinal dysbiosis (vsledstvielecheniya antibiotics) and to prevent it appoint lactobacterin, bificol, bifidumbacterin. At long soak can think of the presence of umbilical fistula (see above). Often affects pubic area, external genitals, thighs, calves and feet.

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